A web application that gives you buy/sell/hold recommendations about your stocks based on technical analysis and sends you a text message when sentiment towards one of your stocks drastically changes on Twitter. Financial data pulled from BlackRock's API, sentiment analysis done through Google Cloud API, text message sent via Twilio API. Won best use of BlackRock API at LA Hacks 2018.
Built with: node.js, Python/Flask, Google Cloud ML API, Twitter API, Twilio API, BlackRock API
A tetris AI that moves on its own! Makes decisions by checking possible moves and selecting the least costly one, determined by the state of the board. Built using open source C++ Tetris game.
Built with: C++
Website for FTC 2017, a 700-attendee event for Circle K International clubs from California, Nevada, and Hawaii.
Built with: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, some JavaScript, Illustrator
jonathanchu78.github.io/Mesh | GitHub
An event schedule app meant to replace paper pamphlets at large-scale events.
Built with: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Firebase
CS M152A: Digital Design Lab | TA: Gu | GitHub
A 2-player face-off between tanks launching projectiles at each other. Display rendered through VGA port on FPGA.
Built with: Verilog // FPGA
Machine Learning (Coursera) | Prof. Ng
A 3-layer neural network trained with 4000 examples using backpropagation and a given minimization algorithm.
Built with: Octave
EE M16: Logic Design of Digital Systems | Prof. Mehta | GitHub
A hardware neural network taking as input a 1-bit morse signal and that determines letters represented by the signal.
Built with: Verilog
CS 32: Introductory Data Structures & Algorithms | Prof. Nachenberg | Spec | Sample Code
A game in which each player is assigned an anthill and given the task of programming their ants to maximize their anthill's size. Interactions all game objects (ants, antills, other bugs, rocks, etc) were considered.
Built with: C++ (Inheritance, Polymorphism)