Hello! My name is Jonathan, but you already knew that. I'm a 2nd year Computer Science & Engineering major at UCLA.

In my time at UCLA, I've had the opportunity to explore the great realm of computers, code, and engineering through the wonderful coursework provided by the CS department in addition to technical experience I've gained outside of class through various projects and organizations. Check out some of the projects I've worked on here and organizations I've worked with below!

I also find opportunities during what free time I have doing graphic design and developing my skill as a musician. I hope to continue improving as a pianist for the rest of my life.

What organizations have I been involved with?

(tap or hover for details)


I'll be working as a Software Development Engineering Intern on the Amazon Go team during the summer of 2018!


Software Developer | June 2017 - Current

Current Project: Image Collection Navigation (GitHub)

Over the years, UCLA Library has collected hundreds of images related to UCLA, and our job is to build a website to creatively visualize these images, with the help of machine learning similarity and clustering algorithms. I'm building the website with Flask and Neo4j, a graph database.

Previous project: Community Cataloging (GitHub), a project whose goal is to streamline the process of cataloging books written in foreign languages that have been off the library shelves for too long.

The app, hosted with Amazon Web Services, consists of ScribeAPI, a Ruby on Rails app which makes up the main interface, Tesseract OCR, which we're using to automate the conversion of book titles and other phrases from images to text, and a Django image uploader I worked towards connecting separate components by sending image and marking data to ScribeAPI. This task involved investigating how each API works, analyzing how we can push and pull data conveniently, and actually connecting them using Python scripts.


Web Developer | April 2017 - June 2017

I worked for a local startup based in Westwood, CA focused on connecting owners of open parking spots to those willing to purchase parking spots, analogous to Uber but for parking. The other student developers and I were in charge of maintaining and adding on to the company website.

While I was there, I worked on a new webpage that was needed for apartment owners with parking spots to efficiently post their spots all at once. This involved writing PHP code to handle client-side logic and SQL to push and pull information from our database.

Circle K International

Technology Chair | April 2018 - Present | California-Nevada-Hawaii District
Audio/Visual & Technology Chair | May 2017 - November 2017 | CNH District Fall Training Conference Committee
Graphic Design Chair | March 2017 - March 2018 | UCLA Chapter

Circle K International is the largest collegiate service organization in the world, and our UCLA Chapter is one of the strongest in the world. Community service has provided me an outlet for giving back to others rather than just building myself and has definitely become a large part of my college experience.

I currently serve as the Technology Chair for the CNH District of Circle K, making me responsible for overseeing all things technology in the District. I maintain and update the District website, cnhcirclek.org, and work with a board of Lieutenant Governors and fellow Committee Chairs to ensure all the District's technical needs are satisfied. I am also starting a CNH District Technology Committee, the first of its kind, to create a team of individuals who will bring technology to even greater use in our organization.

Fall Training Conference (FTC) is an annual 700 attendee event in Sonora, CA focused on educating and connecting members from California, Nevada, and Hawaii. As Audio Visual & Technology Chair for the FTC Committee, I built the website and handled all AV equipment during the event.

As Graphic Design Chair, I was in charge of everything design-related, including flyers, social media graphic announcements, and Facebook banners. I chaired a committee and delegated design work to five committee members, acting as the lead designer and manager of the graphic design committee. Check out some of my designs on the Graphics tab.

Daily Bruin

Graphics Contributor | January 2017 - June 2017

The Daily Bruin is the award-winning campus newspaper at UCLA.

As part of the graphics department, I picked up new graphic design skills, created designs to be printed on the paper, and worked alongside teammates on creative standalone graphics highlighting useful, interesting topics for the student body.